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Customer Needs

Industrial regulations and laws are enforcing manufacturers and other economic operators such as retailers and shippers to carefully track their products in supply chain, simply from manufacturing to the consumers.

At MONOVİ develop and support Track&Trace solutions for regulated industries especially in tobacco, pharmaceuticals, transportation and food industries, that meet all these regulatory compliance traceability needs.

These requirements can only be achieved by implementing Track & Trace solutions that bring the security and capability to prove whether a product on the market is genuine or counterfeit.

The Traceability Suite

Monovi offers tobacco manufacturers, importers and distributers a compact and cost-effective solution that fulfills regulatory compliance requirements to operate in the regulated markets.


Main Track&Trace data reporsitory and traceability operating system, provided as a cloud service. Flexibly adopted to your actual usage and use cases.

Monovi MITOS

Monovi Manufacturing Information Tracking Operations System (MITOS) helps manufacturers to digitize production and packaging processes, helping to move step away in their digitization and adoption of traceability regulations. MITOS can connect to your factory systems, acting like a data orchestrator, enabling product aggregations, labeling, and removing manual process by automating key production processes for increased efficiency and control over processes. MITOS fills the gap in the factory to meet the regulatory compliance for related industries (such as tobacco, pharmaceuticals, transportation and food industries) and can be used standalone as a Manufacturing Execution System (MES). Contact us to get more information about how MITOS helps your factory processes and compliance requirements.

Monovi FIGOS

Finished Goods Operations System (FIGOS) runs on Android platform and used at warehouse operations to help you to scan and transfer data messages to the regulatory systems, so that your operation stays compliant. FIGOS specifically developed for manufacturers, importers and distributers who need a software and hardware solution for track&trace compliance requirements, specially in tobacco manufacturing and distribution industry.


Land Transportation Operations System is our digital transportation solution for manufacturers, carriers and logistics providers. Allowing you to manage your transport operation while enabling traceability of vehicles and products through their journey to the destination. Built-in integration with FIGOS and MonoviTrace, it allows you to automate logistics operations. LANTOS also supports U-ETDS integration for Turkey market, and allows organizations to report shipments to the government system automatically. U-ETDS system has been developed against land transportation traceability regulation in Turkey. According to this new regulation, carriers must report the goods online to government system U-ETDS, for all land transportations. Monovi, provides Track&Trace for Transportation solution for carriers to help them become fully compliant with the new regulation.


Blockchain enabled solution in many industries gaining more attraction since blockchain technology started to be used widely across many applications, driving innovation and creating new businesses. Tamper Proofing with Monovi Blockchain (TAMPOS) is Monovi's unique solution and innovation in Track&Trace technology platforms available in the market, that bundles with MonoviTrace cloud platform. Promising that the recorded sensitive tracking data remains unchanged. We are continuously investing blockchain technology, keep innovating and adopt into our products.